The Solution to Outdated Education: the Metaverse

3 min readSep 28, 2022

Teachers already have to struggle with a lot of different aspects as part of their job. There is the increased expectations of their profession to be not just teacher, but counsellor, nurse, advocate, and more. Then there is the burden of tests and expectations from administration about how students should be scoring. However, are they actually equipped with the best tools to accomplish that feat?

In many schools, the textbooks that are being used, or have been used in the recent past, are outdated. With new advancements in science every year, it is clear that there are going to be some things that textbook manufacturers just can’t keep up with. Additionally, it isn’t like schools have a budget to buy new textbooks every year, or even every few years. That leaves students already behind the curve of the rest of the world.

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

While that may not seem like a huge issue with the availability of the internet, it is also true that the internet is a minefield of misinformation and can be overwhelming when it comes to finding what you actually need. However, the Metaverse can be a key factor in addressing these issues.

Relying on textbooks or other materials, not to mention teaching methods, that are outdated and don’t engage students can hold students back from opportunities. Particularly in areas of low socioeconomic demographics, students who don’t have access to good resources will be pushed even further behind in today’s world of information. Schools that utilise the internet also can’t guarantee what it is that students are actually going to get when they begin searching for info or research.

The Metaverse concept of an immersive, engaging platform can help students and teachers address these issues. For example, instead of relying on physical textbooks or resources, teachers can cultivate their own information from open resources across the web. They can even bring in different information that was just published that month.

Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash

Then, by allowing students to have virtual lessons, the strategies and methods of teaching can be extremely engaging and valuable. Anatomy classes can take a walk through the aorta with a virtual reality lesson. Art classes can zoom in and examine strokes or even the pre-painting work that was done on a canvas that wouldn’t be accessible to someone just viewing it in a museum.

The Metaverse has the ability to not only connect students, teachers, and educational institutions to the most current materials out there, it also presents the chance for a new, liberated form of learning that fits with the path that our world is taking. The next question is: what can we do to help education get there?

Read more about education and the Metaverse:

The Metaverse is Prime Opportunity for Education and Universities

Virtual Education Recruitment Through the Metaverse

The Metahunter Academy Creates Metaverse Opportunities for All

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